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Fig. 5 | Biological Procedures Online

Fig. 5

From: A high-throughput screening system for SARS-CoV-2 entry inhibition, syncytia formation and cell toxicity

Fig. 5

High-throughput screening of NCI library of 240 natural products using BD Pathway 435 Bioimager A Graph showing 24 positive hits (marked green) at an initial concentration of 10 µM (> 80% inhibition) Area (µm2), Cell number calculated by counting H2B mCherry and FITC expression area (Pseudovirion infection) using ImageJ, each dot in the graph represents each compound. B System-generated segmentation analysis for total count and area of objects of a sample with VSV-eGFP-SARS-CoV2 infection (AU), each dot represents each cell. C System-generated segmentation analysis for total count and area of objects of a sample without VSV-eGFP-SARS-CoV2 infection, each dot represents each cell. Data mean ± S.D n = 3 replicate experiments compared to DMSO control

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