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Table 5 The radiosensitivity level of breast cancer patients, BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and breast cancer patients with radiotherapy complication, using other assays

From: Molecular contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 to genome instability in breast cancer patients: review of radiosensitivity assays



Sample size

Cell type

Radiation dose


Breast cancer

 Auer et al. 2014 [173]

3-color FISH

1. BC cases (67)

2. Healthy controls (62)


2 Gy

Spontaneous RS

BC cases ↔ Healthy controls

RS after radiation

BC cases > Healthy controls

 Barwell et al. 2007 [174]

Terminal restriction fragment length assay

1. BC cases (212)

2. Healthy controls (1804)

WBC & lymphocyte

1. caesium-137 source at 0.5/1 Gy, or mock

2. caesium-137 source at 4 Gy, or mock

RS after radiation

BC cases ↔ Healthy controls

 West et al. 1995 [172]

Colony formation

1. BC cases with acute complication (7)

2. BC cases with late complication (6)

3. BC cases W/O complication (8)

4. Healthy controls (20)



1.55 Gy min-1


0.0098 Gy min-1


RS after radiation

BC cases ↔ Healthy controls


RS after radiation

BC cases ↔ Healthy controls

Radiotherapy complications

 Oppitz et al. 2002 [158]

Colony formation

1. BC cases with elevated acute reactions (6)

2. BC cases with average acute reactions (17)


5 Gy

Spontaneous RS

Elevated acute reactions ↔ Average acute reactions

Radiosensitivity after radiation

Elevated acute reactions ↔ Average acute reactions

 West et al. 1995 [172]

Colony formation

1. BC cases with acute complication (7)

2. BC cases with late complication (6)

3. BC cases without complication (8)

4. Healthy controls (20)



1.55 Gy min-1


0.0098 Gy min-1


RS after radiation

BC with acute/late complication ↔ Healthy controls

BC W/O complication ↔ Healthy controls


RS after radiation

BC with acute/late complication > Healthy controls

BC cases W/O complication ↔ Healthy controls

  1. RS radiosensitivity, BC breast cancer, WBC white blood cell, HDR high dose rate, LDR low dose rate, W/O without, Gr: gray
  2. ↔: no significant differences at the radiosensitivity level, >: significant higher level of radiosensitivity