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Table 1 Blockchain Technology

From: Potential of blockchain approach on development and security of microbial databases

This is an open distributed ledger consist of records of data across many computers that are resistant to modifications. The networks of records (blocks) are linked using cryptography and each block contains a cryptographic hash and timestamp that link it to other blocks.

A blockcain database is usually managed autonomousy using a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for inter-node interactions or confirming the creation of new blocks. Therefore, features of this system that its block content cannot be modified retrospectively, without the alterations of all subsequent blocks. This allows the tracking the thread of data deposition and robust security. The database building with the blockchain model doesn’t need constant curation and therefore participants can audit the data deposition and exchanges.

By using this technology of data deposit and sharing system, in addition to the decentralization that is favored in the globalization of the science, instant cooperative data deposition becomes possible.