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Fig. 6 | Biological Procedures Online

Fig. 6

From: Exploring G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Primary Pancreatic Islets

Fig. 6

Determining second messenger responses in islets of a P2Y14-deficient mouse model. a Activation of the Gq protein signaling pathway by the muscarinic receptor agonist CCh (100 μM) induces significant increases in IP1 concentration in wild-type (light grey) and P2Y14 knock-out (dark grey) islets. b Activation of GLP-1R using 100 nM GLP-1 induced a significant increase in cAMP concentration in wild-type and P2Y14 knock-out islets. Shown are the means ± SEM of two independent experiments each performed in duplicates. Statistical significance (w/o vs. stimulus) was tested with the two-tailed unpaired t test (*p ≤ 0.05). c Ca2+ imaging experiments were performed in the presence of CCh (100 μM) and AVP (100 nM) in single pancreatic islets from wild-type and P2Y14 knock-out mice loaded with fura-2 AM. Stimulus-evoked changes in the fluorescence ratio (F340/F380) were obtained by subtracting basal from peak value of 10 regions within each islet. Mean values of ΔRatio (F340/F380) ± SEM were calculated from mean values of regions of each wild-type and P2Y14 knockout islet (n = 3)

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